The interests of Buenos Aires suburbs’ teenagers in science and technology issues


  • Diego Petrucci Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham - CONICET (UNAHUR-CONICET)
  • Manuel Benítez Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham - CONICET (UNAHUR-CONICET)
  • María Julia Hermida Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham - CONICET (UNAHUR-CONICET)



ROSE project, Gender, Covid-19 pandemic, Career choice


We analized the interests of secondary school students from Hurlingham, in science and technology, examining pre- and postpandemic changes and gender differences. The problem lies in the low attraction to science and technology careers, crucial for national development. We used the approach of the ROSE (Relevance of Science Education) Project, which uses a Likert-scale questionnaire comprising 109 items in science and technology subject areas and presents diverse contexts. The methodology included an exploratory design with a random sample of public schools, administering the questionnaire face-to-face in 2019 and 2022. A chi-square test was applied using contingency tables to identify significant differences in interests by year and gender. The greatest interest was in the topics of saving lives, protecting animals, health, dreams, the unexplained, the extraterrestrial, life, death, the soul, inventions and discoveries, as long as these topics had a context. Interest in the topics declined with the pandemic. We verified gender differences previously described in the literature, with women more interested in human biology and health topics and men in technology.


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How to Cite

The interests of Buenos Aires suburbs’ teenagers in science and technology issues. (2024). Journal of Physics Teaching, 36, 287-296.