Feminist approaches to physics education: a systematic review


  • Diana Herrero-Villarreal Universidad Estatal a Distancia
  • Irene Arriassecq Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Pcia. de Bs. As. Fac. De Cs. Exactas. ECienTec
  • Agustín Adúriz-Bravo Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto CeFIEC




Physics teaching, Feminist theories, Science education, University education, Educational physics


Based on the identification of multiple inequalities related to gender and other factors, in physics education and within the framework of a doctoral thesis project, a systematic review is carried out based on the PRISMA 2020 methodology with the aim of identifying works with approaches to physics education from feminist theories that can contribute to the current needs of Latin American societies. Based on categories originated in feminist theories, the systematic review is carried out in 6 databases. After the identification, selection and inclusion of articles that match defined criteria, a list of 33 articles is obtained. The articles are analyzed according to created categories that link feminist theoretical positions with their specific contributions to physics education. It concludes on the important weight of the masculinization of physics, which is analyzed in various ways according to the theoretical position and on the importance of training teachers in these topics with theoretical clarity.


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How to Cite

Feminist approaches to physics education: a systematic review. (2024). Journal of Physics Teaching, 36, 187-196. https://doi.org/10.55767/2451.6007.v36.n.47243