Study of the development of knowledge in Electromagnetic Induction, in secondary level students


  • Yesica Inorreta Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería de Olavarría
  • Bettina Bravo Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería de Olavarría - CONICET
  • Silvia Bravo Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología


Electromagnetic induction, Didactic proposal, Secondary level, Teaching


This paper presents the results of a design-based research, in which the knowledge of secondary school students about the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction (IE) was studied before and after implementing a specially designed teaching proposal (PE) in the research. A pretest-posttest design was implemented in which the answers elaborated by the students to various problems involving the phenomenon in question were analyzed and the way of knowing shared by the group was characterized according to the explanatory models and ways of reasoning used. The results reveal that students have gone from understanding the phenomenon in intuitive terms to explaining it in terms consistent with those of science, which would give indications of the potential of teaching to promote the desired learning. The PE was implemented in a sixth year of secondary education, with ages ranging from 17 to 18, at a private school located in the city of Olavarría, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Study of the development of knowledge in Electromagnetic Induction, in secondary level students. (2023). Journal of Physics Teaching, 35, 191-199.