Curricular adaptations in Brazil: perceptions of a Physics teacher


  • Amanda Bastos Ferreira de Arruda Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Física
  • André Rodrigues Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Física


Professor of Physics, Curriculum Reform and Integral Teaching Program


Within the scope of curricular changes in Brazil, approved in 2017 through the Reform of the Common Curriculum Base (BNCC) and the implementation of the new high school (NHS), both students and teachers experience the impact of these changes. The modifications imposed aren’t only restricted to the structure of the curriculum but also affect the dynamics of classes and the interactions between educators. This article is a fragment of a research project that aims to investigate the collaborative relationships between teachers of natural sciences. However, the specific focus of this research is to analyze the discourse of a physics teacher who teaches in a school with a comprehensive education program in the city of São Paulo. When we direct our attention to the impressions of the physics teacher about the changes in the curriculum, it becomes evident mainly how he recognizes himself as a member of the field of natural sciences, no longer just a physics teacher isolated within the school. Therefore, the analysis reveals the positive and negative effects the full-time education program brought him during this adaptation stage.


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How to Cite

Curricular adaptations in Brazil: perceptions of a Physics teacher. (2023). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 35, 3-8.