The relevance of science education in Hurlingham




Perceptions of future work, Environmental attitudes, Attitudes towards school science, Image of science, Science and technology education


The perceptions that young people have of science and technology, their teaching, and their potential as a life option are decisive both for the choice of related degree programs and for not dropping out of university. In Argentina, the number of graduates in these areas is well below what is needed for national development goals. Knowing those perceptions is important for planning enrollment, retention, and graduation policies. This paper presents data on such perceptions in high school students from Hurlingham, collected through the ROSE questionnaire. The results, in general terms, only differ in specific aspects from those found in other countries. In particular, they present a positive view of science and technology, although with some criticisms, and also a social commitment attitude. This image contrasts with the little enthusiasm and criticism towards school science.


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How to Cite

The relevance of science education in Hurlingham. (2023). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 35(1), 3-15.