Some contributions of the epistemology of physics for science teaching. The case for energy in high school


  • Nicolás Gandolfo
  • Laura Buteler
  • Jenaro Guisasola


Energy, Epistemology and history of science, Content selection, Key ideas, Teaching goals


This work is part of the doctoral thesis called The teaching and learning of energy in secondary school: a research study based on design. Taking the contents relative to mechanical phenomena of the natural sciences orientation 5th course secondary school curricular design (Córdoba province, Argentina), we will try to answer the following research questions: what suggestions for teaching in relation to the selection and organization of these contents can we find when carrying out an epistemological approach to energy? What are the possible learning objectives that emerge from carrying out this type of approach? From the analysis emerge those epistemological keys that supposed real leaps towards the current theory of physics and possible contextualized learning objectives for the educational level that this research works on.






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How to Cite

Some contributions of the epistemology of physics for science teaching. The case for energy in high school. (2022). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 34, 183-191.