Competencies in experimental sciences. Interdiscipline as a proposal


  • Nancy Saldis
  • Marcelo Gómez


Competencies, Experimental sciences, Interdiscipline, STEM focus


The article describes the development and results obtained in the implementation of an innovative experience in a postgraduate course using an integrated STEM approach, to facilitate the construction of interdisciplinary scientific-technological skills. The population consisted of professors of various experimental sciences who used computerized sensors for the acquisition and processing of data in real time. The work teams designed original experimental didactic sequences for the integration of knowledge from Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Technology and Mathematics, putting them to the test to detect errors and successes, promoting discussion regarding the promotion of interdisciplinary activities. The evaluation of processes and products allow us to affirm that the collective work of the participants was achieved, the development of strategies, skills and attitudes necessary to build competencies in experimental sciences was strengthened, integrating different disciplines and mathematically modeling the phenomena. The STEM work methodology used in the course was transposed by the students to the designs of the didactic sequences






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How to Cite

Competencies in experimental sciences. Interdiscipline as a proposal. (2022). Journal of Physics Teaching, 34, 289-296.