Methodological strategies for the content oscillations and mechanical waves in Industrial Engineering


  • María Gabriela Campos Fernández Universidad de Costa Rica, Sede de Occidente. San Ramón, Alajuela, Costa Rica.



Meaningful learning, Physics laboratory, Methodological strategies, Oscillations and mechanical waves


This work presents the results of an experience in the Laboratorio de Física General II course at the Universidad de Costa Rica, Sede de
Occidente, during the second semester of 2020. A diagnosis was made to a sample of the student population and the teaching staff.
of the Physics Section. Through a survey and an interview, it was inquired about methodological strategies, didactic material and evaluations
used in previous semesters. In addition, information was collected on the training needs and expectations of the students of
the Industrial Engineering career for the course. With the information collected, an educational strategy was developed to implement
under the virtual modality, using the institutional platform Virtual Mediation. The proposal introduces the constructivist approach to
the curricular content "Oscillations and mechanical waves" under the virtual modality, using a sequence of activities that promote
meaningful learning in the student. The educational strategy was validated by an expert and evaluated by the students of the course.
The results obtained show the presence of the constructivist approach in the elaborated proposal.


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Investigación en Enseñanza de la Física

How to Cite

Methodological strategies for the content oscillations and mechanical waves in Industrial Engineering. (2021). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 33(2), 123-131.