Slow down 5: A didactic proposal for teaching physics about traffic accidents



Physics teaching; Problematic situation; Kinematics; Traffic accident; Bloom's taxonomy revised


Investigating problematic situations and evaluating the applications of scientific knowledge is one of the main competences and skills to be developed in high school in the classes of Natural Sciences and its Technologies. Thus, based on the recurrent use of the problematization suggested by Silveira (2011), together with the results indicated by other authors on the difficulty of using such a proposal, we analyze and evaluate possibilities for modifications that contribute to expand the construction of knowledge in physics classes, resulting in the presentation of a new didactic proposal. The proposal presented here emerges naturally in the current context in which Traffic Departments - DETRAN, from many Brazilian states, carry out campaigns in schools to try to make students aware of the risks of speed abuse and alcohol use while driving.





Trabajos presentados a SIEF

How to Cite

Slow down 5: A didactic proposal for teaching physics about traffic accidents. (2020). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 32, 321-328.