Use of evidence in argumentation of physics teachers, when they solve a real problem


  • Silvia García de Cajén
  • José Manuel Dominguez Castiñeiras


Argumentation; Use of Evidence; Physics Teachers; Real Problems; Electrical Energy


The interest that research in science teaching gives to the study of discourse and argumentation is increasingly growing, espe-cially that which refers to Secondary School and University students since the conception of students as citizens requires their literacy and scientific enculturation. As the evaluation and criticism of statements are characteristics of scientific culture, the need arises for students to acquire competencies for evidence-based argumentation during their training. The academic curricu-lum of Secondary Schools of the Province of Buenos Aires indicates this, therefore the Physics teachers should be competent in what they are asked to teach. Several voices in the field of didactic research point out the importance of training science teach-ers in argumentation, but there is still little research on the argumentative level of teachers and, even less in the context of solving real problems. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the use of evidence in the argumentation carried out by a sample of practicing Physics teachers when individually, they solve a real problem about the transformation of electrical energy into an ohmic resistance.






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How to Cite

Use of evidence in argumentation of physics teachers, when they solve a real problem. (2020). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 32, 143-151.