B-learning modality for the teaching of Physics II: students’ perception and evaluation of its impact on learning achievements


  • María Natacha Benavente Fager
  • Adriana del Carmen Cuesta


B-learning; Virtual classroom; Physics II Teaching; Students´ perception; Learning achievements


In 2019, a virtual classroom was designed and developed for the teaching of Physics II in a blended learning (b-learning) modali-ty, destined for second-year students of Engineering careers at the National University of San Juan. The implementation of the virtual classroom with the resources and activities necessary for blended learning, was later accompanied by an extensive re-search about the impact of the educational modality developed.
The implementation of this mixed training space opens new possibilities for the teaching-learning process, and we consider that blended learning impacts on the students´ learning achievements. Our students are, in turn, immersed in a digital culture, so it is expected that the integration of educational technology into the learning process will be welcomed. In the present work, we share the results of the research carried out in relation to the learning achievements of our students, and their perception re-garding the mixed modality and its possibilities.






Trabajos presentados a SIEF

How to Cite

B-learning modality for the teaching of Physics II: students’ perception and evaluation of its impact on learning achievements. (2020). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 32, 33-42. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/30964