The ICT in physics teaching: a proposal of didactic activity with the use of a computational simulation about the movement of a simple pendulum


  • Francis Jessé Centenaro
  • Inés Prieto Schimidt Sauerwein
  • Ricardo Andreas Sauerwein
  • Dioni Paulo Pastorio
  • Josemar Alves


Physics Teaching, Didactic Activity, Computer Simulation, Information and Communication Technologies.


In this paper, we present a proposal of didactic activity (DA) structured from the use of computer simulation, which is a resource didactic with potential widely recognized in Physics Teaching. The main objective of the activity developed is to approach, in the same time, the conceptual and procedural contents related to the oscillatory phenomena. One of the expected results with the future implementation of DA is that process of teaching and learning the concepts and phenomena involved be facilitated and that students can link oscillatory phenomena with other situations of their everyday.



How to Cite

The ICT in physics teaching: a proposal of didactic activity with the use of a computational simulation about the movement of a simple pendulum. (2017). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 29, 353-359.