Didactic treatment of interference and diffraction phenomena in university level texts


  • Silvia Bravo
  • Marta Pesa


Geometric optics and wave optics, Interference and diffraction, Textbooks, History of science, Experimental activities.


This paper presents an analysis of basic university level textbooks on the development of wave optics. The study of texts is centered in the characterization of the progressive construction of the concepts of diffraction and interference. The analysis is complemented by a historical synthesis about the place of the phenomenon of diffraction in the construction of light models. The results allow comparing the approach from university texts with the genesis of the concepts of interference and diffraction in the science history. Finally, based on conclusions of both studies, a series of reflections on students difficulties about the paradigm shift between geometric optics and wave optics, are made.




How to Cite

Didactic treatment of interference and diffraction phenomena in university level texts. (2017). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 29, 215-226. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/18462