Investigación en enseñanza de la Física y la formación de profesores: algunos elementos para la discusión


  • Zulma Gangoso Fa.M.A.F. - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Córdoba- Argentina
  • Laura María Buteler Fa.M.A.F. - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Córdoba- Argentina


In the present work sorne data on a set of published communications in the minutes of researchers symposia the IX National Meeting on Physics Education, are presented to study the possibility of their incorporation to the teachers training.

This first analysis tends to know, for example: trends of the current investigation, characteristic of the communications, educational leve! of the investigated subjects, and dominant methodological and theoretical aspects.

It is a substantially descriptive study andas such intends to detail sorne aspects of the analyzed projects. The presented result ha ve to be understood as data that make possible a reflection to reinforce or reorient investigation lines and to contribute to the discussion that help the definition of investigation policies in the area. In so much the results are not detached from the community that produces them, the one which at the same time is vehicle of their findings, we find that the incorporation of the investigation in the physics teachers institutions must ha ve, without doubt, sorne relationship to the characteristics of the accomplished projects.






Investigación y desarrollos en la educación en la Física

How to Cite

Investigación en enseñanza de la Física y la formación de profesores: algunos elementos para la discusión. (2016). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 11(2), 5-16.