Investigación educativa en Física en la Argentina. Estado actual y perspectivas


  • Leonor Colombo de Cudmani Instituto de Física. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.


The present work is based on notes prepared for my participation in the Panel Table "Educational Investigation in Sciences: present status and perspective" in the IV Researchers Symposium in Education in Physics (16 - 18 of September - Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Argentina) (SIEFN).

It is used as informative sources the Reports and Minutes analysis of Scientific Meetings (in particular REF and SIEF Proceedings and the Revista de Enseñanza de la Físiéa -APFA- , in addition to similar· foreign publications in those which publish frequently the Argentine authors ( Revista de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, Revista Brasíleira de Ensino, Caderno Catarinense de Enseñanza em Física, etc.).

Other source of information is the experience accumulated in the evaluation of projects, research prograrns, and in the advisory committee of magazines, and scientific meetings. These data were complemented with publications of the Culture and Education Ministry of the Nation.

The analysis of the data permitted to identify sorne categories that facilitated the information in arderto extract conclusions and to identify vacancy areas.






Investigación y desarrollos en la educación en la Física

How to Cite

Investigación educativa en Física en la Argentina. Estado actual y perspectivas. (2016). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 12(1), 47-52.