Mapas conceptuales en la investigación de las estructuras conceptuales de conocimiento de los estudiantes de Física


  • Marco Antonio Moreira
  • Waldo Ahumada Guerra


A study in which concept mapping was used as a technique to gather information about changes in the learner's conceptual knowledge structures in physics is described.  Re findings suggest that this technique is useful for such a purpose and enabled the researchers to distinguish between two broad classes of students according to their abilities to build their own conceptual organizations. Sample concept maps from each of these classes are presented. Research findings also suggest that concept mapping might be a useful tool to gather evidence of meaning full learning.





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How to Cite

Mapas conceptuales en la investigación de las estructuras conceptuales de conocimiento de los estudiantes de Física. (2016). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 2(2), 65-72.