Assessment of emotionalindicators of The Human Figure Drawing in children at psychological ambulatory consultation


  • Analía Brizzio Directora Proyecto PROINPSI (UBA). Investigadora formada UBACyT. Docente Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Lucila López Universidad Buenos Aires.
  • Yanina Luchetti Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.



DFH, indicadores emocionales, problemas emocionales, trastornos de ansiedad, trastornos del estado del ánimo, problemas paterno filiales


This paper aims to examine the possible usefulness of the Test of Human Figure Drawing in Primary Health Care. Specifically, it will refer to the Emotional Indicators (EIs) (Koppitz, 1984) by analyzing its use as a tool for identifying children with emotional problems, and to discriminate among them, those with Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders and Parent-child problems.We propose to compare the presence of these IEs in a sample of 44 children aged between 6 to 12 years, residents of Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, who receive psychological assistance, with a control group of children from the general population, balanced according to sociodemographicvariables.Data analysis shows that the number of EIs proposed (Koppitz, 1984) does not dicriminate productions of children with emotional problems. Also, in the consulting population does not discriminate between types of disorders.


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How to Cite

Brizzio, A., López, L., & Luchetti, Y. (2012). Assessment of emotionalindicators of The Human Figure Drawing in children at psychological ambulatory consultation. Revista Evaluar, 12(1).



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