Development and validation of a mesaure of person-organization fit


  • Valentina Ramos Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto.
  • Filomena Jordão q
  • Teresa Morais Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto.



ajuste persona-organización, conflicto de valores, reconocimiento de valores organizacionales, instrumento de medición


In the absence of an instrument to measure simultaneously the conflict and the fit between personal and organizational values, and also the organizational values recognition, we aimed to develop and validate an inventory for thispurpose. To validate the Inventory, we used a sample of 102 distributed in several organizations from Portugal. The factorial analysis allowed to reduce our items from 19 to 16, distributed in three factors with 71,92% of variance explained.We obtained values of general α = 0.608, while specific α values were: person-organization fit, α = 0.909; person-organization value conflict, α = 0.891; and organizational values recognition, α = 0.901. Our results indicate that fit and conflict variables have different measurement and the scales from the Inventory can be separately because of high specific α values and a low general α value. Our tool is reliable to be applied to the population where it was validated, however, further studies should be performed to validate the robustness of this instrument.


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How to Cite

Ramos, V., Jordão, F., & Morais, T. (2012). Development and validation of a mesaure of person-organization fit. Revista Evaluar, 12(1).



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