Adaptation of the Leadership in Sport Scale (LSS-1) in Argentinian Athletes




leadership, LSS adaptation, psychometric properties, athletes


The aim of this study was to adapt the LSS-1 version in Argentinian athletes. The research was carried out on 333 athletes residing in 12 Argentine provinces, aged between 16 and 63 years old (M = 26.37 SD = 8.51) from 13 different sports disciplines. The results show that the translation is clear and congruent. The items present an adequate level of discrimination except for items 6, 27, 34, and 40. The AFC did not converge in the solution of 5 original factors, so an AFE was performed, discarding items 16 and 33 and evidencing a structure of 3 factors (autocratic behavior α = .54, training and instruction α = .94, democratic behavior α =.87) that explained 43% of the variance. Normative values are presented, which show that an adapted version with acceptable psychometric properties has been obtained, which allows progress in studies on the measurement of leadership in Argentine athletes.


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How to Cite

Marzorati, A., Pagano, A. E., Caicedo Cavagnis, E., Fiotti, J. A., Fernández, C., Lorusso, L. J., & Lehman, F. A. (2023). Adaptation of the Leadership in Sport Scale (LSS-1) in Argentinian Athletes. Revista Evaluar, 23(3), 94–111.



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