Suicidal Behavior at Work Scales: Development and Validation of the Work-Related Suicidal Ideation, Defeat, and Entrapment Brief Scales




CFA, EFA, Defeat, Entrapment, Measurement Invariance, Suicidal Ideation, Work-Related Suicidal Ideation


Suicide is a health problem around the world, since suicide rates among Americans aged 45 to 54 is the highest, and most of these individuals were employed at the time of their death. Thus, there is a need to better understand suicidal behavior at work by developing appropriate measurement instruments in order to create prevention and treatment programs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop and validate three brief self-report measures of suicidal behavior at work: defeat, entrapment, and work-related suicidal ideation. A total of 1,829 employed individuals from different organizations in Puerto Rico participated in this cross-sectional research design. We conducted item, exploratory, and confirmatory factor analyses. Also, we tested measurement invariance of the new brief scales of suicidal behavior at work. The final version of the suicidal behavior at work brief scales obtained excellent reliability coefficients using Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega techniques. The results of the EFA and CFA support their internal structure. The new scale appears to be invariant among groups. The scores of the new suicidal behavior at work brief scales appear to be reliable, valid, and invariant, which will help to study and to better understand these behaviors in order to create treatments and prevention programs in our workplaces.


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Author Biographies

Lillian Vanessa Rovira-Millán, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Psicóloga Clínica, Investigadora y Catedrática en Psicología, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Cayey, Puerto Rico.

Rafael Arturo Blanco-Rovira, Universidad Albizu

Estudiante Doctoral en Psicología Industrial/Organizacional en la Universidad Albizu y Asistente de Investigación.

Ana Carolina López-Iglesias, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Graduada del Programa de Biología de la UPR y Aceptada en el Programa de Maestría en Psicología Industrial/Organizacional de la Universidad Albizu y Asistente de Investigación.

Ernesto Rosario-Hernández, Ponce Health Sciences University, Ponce, Puerto Rico.

Psicólogo Industrial/Organizacional, Investigador y Catedrático, Programas de Psicología Clínica (Psy.D./Ph.D.).


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How to Cite

Rovira-Millán, L. V., Blanco-Rovira, R. A., López-Iglesias, A. C., & Rosario-Hernández, E. (2023). Suicidal Behavior at Work Scales: Development and Validation of the Work-Related Suicidal Ideation, Defeat, and Entrapment Brief Scales. Revista Evaluar, 23(2), 01–18.



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