Percepcion of Hubris syndrome in a sample of employees in Puerto Rico




Hubris syndrome, leadership, leadership style, Cronos syndrome, Hubris, employees, workers


In this investigation we analyzed the perception of the existence of the Hubris syndrome, its relationship with the Cronos syndrome and leadership styles. The sample consisted of 298 employees from Puerto Rico between the ages of 21 and 64. The Hubris Syndrome Perception Scale (PSH-25), the Cronos Syndrome Perception Scale and the Questionnaire of Leadership Styles (CELID-S) were administered. Four factors were identified: narcissistic aspect and exaltation of self-image (α = .94), treatment and consideration towards their subordinates (α = .94), closeness or isolation of the leader towards his subordinates (α = .91)
and the leader’s feeling of grandiosity (α = .85). Finally, Hubris syndrome was found to correlate with both Cronos syndrome and leadership styles.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Colón-Negrón, Universidad Albizu, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Profesor Adjunto / Departamento de Bachillerato Interdisciplinario en Psicología.

Adam Rosario-Rodríguez, Universidad Albizu, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Catedrático Auxiliar del programa de Psicología con especialidad en Consultoría, Investigación y Docencia.

Andrés Cruz-Santos, Universidad Albizu, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Catedrático Auxiliar/ Departamento de Bachillerato Interdisciplinario en Psicología.


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How to Cite

Colón-Negrón, M. Ángel, Rosario-Rodríguez, A., & Cruz-Santos, A. (2021). Percepcion of Hubris syndrome in a sample of employees in Puerto Rico. Revista Evaluar, 21(2), 17–32.



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