Trends in statistical analysis: The frequentist inference limitations and the possibilities of the Bayesian approach.




inferencia frecuencial, inferencia bayesiana, prueba de hipotesis, estadistica en psicologia


Statistical procedures used in psychological research are in full review. The accumulation of criticism upon classical techniques has led to different answers. On one hand, there is a deepening on pushing analysis beyond hypothesis testing and more elaborate interpretation of data. On the other hand, more and more researchers suggest introducing Bayesian approach to make inferences, and there are more software routines to facilitate this. On the frequentist approach, this paper discusses additional procedures to test hypotheses suggested in the sixth edition APA Publication Manual. We review the rationale of hypothesis testing; we show the usefulness of reporting effect size measures ―and the difficulty to infer about them―, power analysis, and the different alternatives to calculate confidence intervals. On the Bayesian approach, we discuss the assumptions and the advantages in terms of information it offers and its contribution to the cumulative nature of the results. Then we show a simple illustrative application of its rationale, comparing the estimation of proportions by means of credibility and confidence intervals.


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How to Cite

Bologna, E. (2011). Trends in statistical analysis: The frequentist inference limitations and the possibilities of the Bayesian approach . Revista Evaluar, 11(1).



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