Development and Validation of an Instrument for the Measurement of Perceived Discrimination in the LGBT Community


  • Juan Aníbal González-Rivera Ponce Health Sciences University, Ponce, Puerto Rico
  • Suham Pabellón-Lebrón Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto Metropolitano, Puerto Rico



discrimination, LGBT, homosexuality, psychometric properties, validation


This article examines the psychometric properties of the Discrimination Perceived in the LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender) Community Scale in a sample of Puerto Rican adults. A total of 305 individuals from the LGBT community participated in this exploratory and psychometric study. The results indicated that the scale fits better into a model of two factors. These factors are Personal Discrimination and Group Discrimination. A total of 20 items matched the criteria of discrimination and presented appropriate factor loadings (10 items by factor). The reliability index of the subscales was .89 (Cronbach’s alpha). These results suggest that the instrument has the potential to measure this construct among members of the LGBT community in Puerto Rico.


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Author Biographies

Juan Aníbal González-Rivera, Ponce Health Sciences University, Ponce, Puerto Rico

Profesor del Programa Doctoral PsyD en Psicología Clínica de Ponce Health Sciences University

Suham Pabellón-Lebrón, Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto Metropolitano, Puerto Rico

Estudiante del Programa de Maestría en Consejería Psicológica de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto Metropolitano.


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How to Cite

González-Rivera, J. A., & Pabellón-Lebrón, S. (2018). Development and Validation of an Instrument for the Measurement of Perceived Discrimination in the LGBT Community. Revista Evaluar, 18(2).



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