Metric properties of the Salvadorian Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (RWA)




right-wing authoritarianism, confirmatory factor analysis, validity, reliability, goodness of fit indexes, correlations


The aim of this work is to expose the metrical properties of the Salvadorian Right Wing Authoritarianism Scale (RWA), developed by Orellana (2017). Based on a sample of 421 inhabitants, 15 years of age and older (M = 39.2; DE = 17.2) from the San Salvador Metropolitan Area (SSMA), the scale is the product of a process of selection of questions already adapted or included in public opinion surveys or political culture polls. According to the Cronbach ´s Alpha coefficient, the scale presents a satisfactory total internal consistence (? = .83). A confirmatory factorial analysis evidences an adequately fitting model, that reproduces the recognized three-dimensional factorial structure of Altemeyer´s RWA (1996; construct validity). The scale correlates with certain constructs (e.g., dimensions of political culture, citizen insecurity and psychosocial dispositions as prejudice) in theoretical and empirical concordance with the former studies on authoritarianism (concurrent-criterion validity). Its characteristics and future ways of application are discussed.


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How to Cite

Orellana, C. I. (2018). Metric properties of the Salvadorian Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (RWA). Revista Evaluar, 18(1).



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