Evidence of Validity and Reliability of a Measure of Loneliness in Peruvian Adolescents





adolescentes, confiabilidad, soledad, validez


In this article evidence of validity was analyzed, based on the internal structure and reliability of the scores of the 11 items of the De Jong-Gierveld Loneliness Scale (DJGLS) in Peruvian adolescents. The study was carried out with a sample of 851 adolescents (M = 15.07 years old, SD. = 1.5) from schools in Metropolitan Lima. Factor analysis showed a two-dimensional oblique structure (social and emotional loneliness) with good indices of goodness of fit (CFI ≥ .90, RMSEA ≤ .08). Reliability was estimated using the omega coefficient (ω = .827), and considered as acceptable (≥ .70). It is concluded that the DJGLS shows adequate psychometric properties and can be considered a brief measure for the study of loneliness in Peruvian adoles-cents. Also, the use of DJGLS with this factorial structure allows a better knowledge of the individual and social factors involved in the development of loneliness.


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How to Cite

Ventura-León, J., Caycho-Rodríguez, T., Barboza-Palomino, M., & Cáceres-Gonzales, G. (2017). Evidence of Validity and Reliability of a Measure of Loneliness in Peruvian Adolescents. Revista Evaluar, 17(2). https://doi.org/10.35670/1667-4545.v17.n2.18726



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