Open Access policy

Revista Evaluar uses the Creative Commons Attribution License (CCAL) for its articles.

Creative Commons License

Under this license, the authors retain copyright ownership of the articles but allow anyone to download and distribute the articles published in Evaluar without permission from the author or publisher. The only condition is that the authors and the original source of publication (i.e. "Evaluar") must always and in all cases be cited.

Submitting articles to Evaluate (at all stages of the editorial process) and reading them is completely free of charge. And the Copyrigth exploitation are tied to the authors of the articles.

Evaluar, by complying with the National Law 26.899 (Open Access Institutional Digital Repositories) and its adaptation of Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (RHCS 1365/2017) as it also applies Creative Commons to all its content, allows the self-archiving of the post-print (edition version) by the authors. On the other hand, for the pre-print and post-print versions (corrected and expanded author version that did not go through the layout process) self-archiving is not allowed.