Psychometric properties of the emotional quotient inventory in its version for adolescents (EQ-i-YV)
This study has the purpose of analyzingthe psychometric properties of the emotional quotient inventory in its version for adolescents (EQ-i-YV). The instrument was applied to a sample of 839 Mexican adolescents between ages 12 and 16. Results show a similar structure to validations done in Spanish language, except for the division made to one of the factors. In the same manner, a short version of the instrument is provided, which was obtained through deleting items that were gathered separately from the theoretical model proposal, as well as through those with low factorial value that increased validity of the scale at the moment of being deleted.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Norma Alicia Ruvalcaba Romero, Julia Gallegos Guajardo, Maryurena Lorenzo Alegría, África Borges del Rosal
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