Local Adaptation of Eysenck Personality Questionnarie (Short Form)
A local adaptation of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised (abbreviated version) is presented. It was applied at Buenos Aires city (n = 811). An exploratory factor analysis was applied through principal components technique. To extract factors, rigorous statistics criteria were followed. Three factors were extracted which represent the three main personality dimensions hypothesized by the Psychoticism-Extroversion-Neuroticism (PEN) Model and one for the sincerity assessment. The same analyses were conducted for women and men samples. To evaluate the instrument reliability Cronbach alpha was applied and adequate internal consistency coefficients were observed. Thus, the local version of EPQ-RA is obtained, with 42 items distributed through four factors: three of them which representthe more prolific personality dimension in Psychology history, and the last one, is a “sincerity factor” equally valid and reliable.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Mario Squillace, Jimena Picón Janeiro, Vanina Schmidt

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