Thinking aloud methodological elements to obtain evidence of content validity
thinking aloud, valid evidence, select sample, expert consistency index, quantitative reasoning skillAbstract
Think-aloud has been implemented in educational research mainly to define the solution strategies of the subjects on different tasks. In particular, it has been used to determine the strategies the subjects implement to find solutions to items in educational tests. However, since the steps of the methodological think-aloud elements followed to obtain valid evidence are not explicit and are important to define, this article aims to provide the methodological steps, from a theoretical perspective so they can be implemented. To develop the steps, a comprehensive literature review was carried out, and the following steps were proposed: 1) define the purpose, 2) elaborate the solution processes of the items from a theoretical perspective, 3) select the thinking-aloud sample, 4) simulation process, 5) data recollection, 6) think-aloud transcript and analysis. These steps can lead to a successful think-aloud process that produces reliable, valid evidence.
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