Design and Validation of an Attitudes towards Mathematics Scale
attitudes towards mathematics, assessment, psychometric properties, studentsAbstract
The aim of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of an Attitudes towards Mathematics Scale (AMS) for students who are finishing elementary school and starting high school. For this purpose, a specific measure was designed, and its psychometric properties and predictive capacity were evaluated. 193 students of elementary (sixth grade) and high school (first and second year) participated in the study (M age = 12.7 years, SD = 0.36). Item-total correlations and Cronbach's alpha (α = .92) indicated that the scale is consistent for construct measurement. Exploratory factor analysis showed a three-factor structure, named perceived competence, liking/motivation for mathematics, and school engagement behaviours. Regarding predictive validity, moderate correlations were found among scale’s dimensions and measures of academic productivity and success in mathematics. These results suggest that the AMS represents a reliable and valid tool for assessing attitudes towards mathematics.
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