Validation of a Short Version of the Subjective Sexual Satisfaction Scale (ESSS-B) in Puerto Rico




satisfacción sexual, sexualidad, propiedades psicométricas, validación


The objective of this study was to develop a short version of the Subjective Sexual Satisfaction Scale. Two in-dependent studies were carried out with this purpose. The first study, of 200 participants, analyzed the reliability and factorial structure of the scale with strict criteria of item se-lection. In the second study, of 275 participants, a confirma-tory factorial analysis was carried out and the convergent and concurrent validity of the short version of the instru-ment (ESSS-B) was calculated. The results of the studies showed adequate psychometric properties in the scale. The reliability index of the scale was of .91 (Cronbach’s alpha). The seven items of the ESSS-B complied with the discrimi-nation criteria. Convergent and concurrent validity analyses were performed, obtaining statistically significant values. These results suggest that the ESSS-B has the potential to adequately measure sexual satisfaction in a global and sub-jective way among Puerto Rican adults.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Aníbal González-Rivera, Ponce Health Sciences University, San Juan University Center, Puerto Rico.

    Assistant professorde School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Ponce Health Sciences University, San Juan University Center, Puerto Rico. Posee numerosas publicaciones como artículos, capítulos y libros, ha recibido varios premios nacionales y es miembro del consejo editorial de varias revistas. Sus temas de interés e investigación son: Psicología de la Religión y la espiritualidad, Relaciones de Pareja, Tecnología y Redes Sociales, Terapias Contextuales, Psicología Positiva y Bienestar, Desarrollo de Instrumentos de Medición.

  • Idania Hernández-Gato, Universidad Carlos Albizu, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    Estudiante doctoral de psicología clínica. Desde sus inicios universitarios, ha sido asistente de investigación del Dr. Juan A. González-Rivera, con quien posee varias publicaciones. Es una estudiante destacada en su universidad, donde posee posiciones de liderazgo entre el estudiantado.


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How to Cite

Validation of a Short Version of the Subjective Sexual Satisfaction Scale (ESSS-B) in Puerto Rico. (2019). Revista Evaluar, 19(2).