Validation Study of the Attitude Scale towards Research among Mexican Psychology Students
actitud, investigación, análisis factorial, confiabilidad, MéxicoAbstract
The aim of this research was to validate the Scale of Attitude towards Research (SAR). A snowball sampling was used. A sample of 392 psychology students, 74.2% women and 25.8% men, from a public university in north-eastern Mexico was collected. The exploratory factor anal-ysis yielded a structure of three factors: affective-behavior-al factor of positively codified items, phrased in the sense of acceptance (ordinal α = .90), cognitive factor (ordinal α = .89), and behavioral-affective factor of negatively codified items, phrased in the sense of rejection (ordinal α = .87). The model had a good fit (NFI = .95, RFI = .95, RMSEA = .02, and SRMR = .07) and the three factors showed con-vergent validity (AVE > .50 and ω > .80) and discriminant validity (r2F1,F2 < AVEF1 y AVEF2). The average attitude was favorable towards research, with no difference between women and men, except for a greater average in the af-fective-behavioral factor of positive-codified items among men. The highest average on the scale among students who plan to pursue the research area and the positive correlation between the scale and the marks in a research related sub-ject provided evidence of construct validity. We concluded that the scale shows internal consistency and construct va-lidity.
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