Validation of the Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale among married or cohabiting Mexicans
búsqueda de sensaciones sexuales, parejas concurrentes, actitud hacia la infidelidad marital, sexo, MéxicoAbstract
The objective of this study was to validate the 9-item Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale (SSSS-9) in a population of Mexican adults married or cohabiting with a partner of the opposite sex. A sample of 807 participants was collected (53.4% women and 46.6% men, 90.1% married and 9.9% cohabitants) from random sources. The SSSS-9, one scale of unfaithful behavior and other one of attitude toward marital exclusivity were applied. The SSSS-9 showed very high internal consistency. The number of factors was one through Horn’s parallel analysis. The one-factor model had a good fit and was valid across both sexes through confir-matory factor analysis. The distribution of SSSS-9 showed positive asymmetry. Its average was higher among men than among women. SSSS-9 had a high correlation with un-faithful behavior, and moderate with attitude toward marital exclusivity. It is concluded that the properties of SSSS-9 are better in this population than those reported with SSSS-11 in other populations.
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