Review of Methodologies Used in Factorial Studies of Ryff’s Psychological Wellbeing Scales (Spanish Version)
well-being, Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scale, factor analysis, reviewAbstract
The aim of this investigation was to perform a literary review describing the methodology used in factorial studies of the Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scales – Spanish Version (PWBS-E; Diaz et al., 2006). A direct search of digital databases for instrumental studies that analyze the PWBS-E identified nine papers providing relevant information. As for studies using confirmatory factor analysis, differences regarding software and estimation methods were observed, but the majority of them does not indicate which type of correlation matrix was used. Likewise, there is little reported on inter-factor correlations and factor loadings, and the fit indices are lower than the acceptable boundaries. Two out of three exploratory factor analysis studies use the principal components analysis and varimax rotation, while only one reports factor loadings. In general, the use of the PWBS-E total score is not justified. The study concludes about the lack of clarity of the PWBS-E internal structure.
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