Development and Validation of an Instrument for the Measurement of Religious Coping Strategies




religious coping, coping, religiosity, psychometric properties, validation


This article examines the psychometric properties of the Religious Coping Strategies Inventory (IEAR) in a sample of Puerto Rican adults. Religious coping methods are ways of understanding and dealing with negative life events that are related to the sacred. A total of 350 Puerto Ricans participated in this exploratory and psychometric study. The results indicated that the scale has a two-factor structure. These factors were denominated internal strategies and external strategies. A total of 12 items complied with the criteria of discrimination and presented appropriate factorial loads (six items per factor). The reliability index of the scale was of .95 (Cronbach’s alpha). These results suggest that the IEAR has the potential to measure this construct among Puerto Rican adults. Likewise, the IEAR will advance further research of religious coping in Puerto Rico and Latin America.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Aníbal González-Rivera, Universidad Carlos Albizu, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    Doctorado en Psicología Clínica. Assistant Professor de la Escuela de Ciencias Conductuales y Neurales de la Ponce Health Science University (PHSU).

  • Orlando M. Pagán-Torres, Ponce Health Sciences University, Ponce, Puerto Rico.
    Adjunct Professor, Interdisciplinary Baccalaureate Faculty, Carlos Albizu University, San Juan Campus. Associate Editor, Caribbean Journal of Psychology/Revista Caribeña de Psicología. Bulletin Editor, Puerto Rico Psychological Association/Asociación de Psicología de Puerto Rico.


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How to Cite

Development and Validation of an Instrument for the Measurement of Religious Coping Strategies. (2018). Revista Evaluar, 18(1).