Validation of a Scale for measuring Attitudes towards History in Secondary students
attitudes toward History, confirmatory factor analysis, scale, secondary educationAbstract
Several studies confirm the relevance of the mediating effect of attitudes in the construction of historical knowledge. However, despite this evidence, a literature
review indicates the existence of a single instrument for measuring attitudes toward History, validated through exploratory approaches in English-speaking contexts. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to design and validate, through confirmatory techniques, a more completed scale for its use in Spanish-speaking contexts. Data were collected from 430 students, with an average age of 16.29 (SD = 1.02) years. The results confirmed that the 14-item structure showed a good fit to the data (S-B?2 (74, N = 430) = 215.54, p < .001; RMSEA [90% CI] = .068 [.058-.079]; NNFI = .94; CFI = .95). Attitudes toward History is a two-component construct, comprising three underlying factors: perceived usefulness and utility, interest for historical knowledge and conservative beliefs.
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