Psychometric Properties of the Peer School Victimization Scale (VE-I)
school victimization, peer victimization, adolescence, scale, psychometric propertiesAbstract
School violence among peers has serious consequences for the victims. Victimization can be direct, through physical and verbal aggression, and relational, through exclusion and social rejection. The objective of this study was
to analyze the psychometric properties of the Peer School Victimization Scale (VE-I), which consists of 11 items related to different forms of victimization. 1389 adolescents (50.45% boys) ranging from 11 to 15 years old (M = 13.37, SD = 1.23) participated in this study. The structure of the scale was analyzed by means of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis using two different subsamples. The results show the existence of three factors (physical victimization, verbal victimization and relational victimization), with reliability coefficients higher than ? = .70 and negative correlations with social self-concept and life satisfaction. The analyzed scale has adequate psychometric properties and can be useful in research and interventions
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