Deletion Inhibition in Older Adults: Contributions for the Validation of a Task
funciones ejecutivas, inhibición de borrado, tarea informatizada, adultos mayores, validación de constructoAbstract
Deletion inhibition constitutes an inhibitory kind which allows for the elimination of irrelevant information during the execution of a task. The instruments or tests for evaluating it are scarce. The aim of this work is to obtain evidence of construct validity using a computerized task from the TAC (cognitive auto-regulating task) to measure deletion inhibition. Fifty three adults (32 young adults and 21 older adults) participated in this study. The analyses car-ried out indicate that the task fulfills the assumptions of in-ternal structure and the maturational changes expected for this process. The task is an appropriate instrument for mea-suring deletion inhibition in young and older adults.
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