The Role of a Central Category among Items in a Confidence in Mathematics Scale
escala Likert, categoría central, confianza para la matemática, estudiantes universitariosAbstract
This study compares the psychometric properties of a Confidence for Mathematics Scale using Likert response formats with and without a central category. The scale mea-sures a set of student beliefs about their difficulties to re-spond to the skills required in the field of Mathematics. The participants were 939 Psychology students (81% female), who responded to the items using two response formats: a) a 5-point scale with the central category Neither agree nor disagree and b) a 6-point scale with 2 central catego-ries: Slightly Disagree and Slightly Agree. Variations on the Likert scale did not substantially affect the evidence of validity based on internal structure (confirmatory factor analysis and Partial Credit Model fit) or in relations with other variables. The relative efficiency function revealed that similar information is obtained for all levels of the trait.
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