Parental processes assessment: Psychometric analysis of the Adolescent Family Process scale.
parental practices, teenagers, psychometric analysis, Spanish.Abstract
The highest prevalence of antinormative behaviors occurs in adolescence. Parenting practices influence directly on the maintenance or desistance of these behaviors. This paper explores the psychometric properties of the Adolescent Family Process scale in a group of 301 teenagers from Córdoba (Argentine), 27% of them with criminal records. The scale is frequently used in criminological studies for the measurement of the relationship between parenting practices and the antinormative behavior of teenagers. In a general way, the scale proved to be valid and reliable for the study of parenting practices in this population. Internal consistency rates were adequate and criterion validity analysis showed that different types of antinormative behavior are negatively associated with parental practices such as monitoring, communication and approval, and positively correlated with conflict between parents and children. However, exploratory factor analysis (principal axes) indicated a five factorial structure different from those purposed in the original scale. The paternal and maternal practices scales showed differences in the factorial structure. Theoretical and technical implications of findings are discussed.Downloads
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