Validation of the job performance scale in argentinean workers.
Job Performance, Psychometric Properties, Internal Structure EvidenceAbstract
The aim of this study was to validate and analyze psychometric properties of Koopmans et al. (2013) Individual Work Performance Scale. A pilot study with 31 postgraduate students was performed to assay the operational equivalence of the scale. A main study was carried out, in order to analyze the psychometric properties of the scale adapted in the pilot study. This time, the non-probabilistic sample comprised 434 workers. Factor analyses (exploratory and confirmatory) were executed over the data obtained. Both of them indicated a trifactorial structure with adequate internal consistency (task performance: ? = .76, counterproductive behaviors: ? = .76, and contextual performance: ? = .72), composite reliability (CR greater than .70), and convergent validity (AVE greater than .50). Argentinean version of the instrument was conformed by 13 items and proved to be a reliable and parsimonious scale to measure perceived job performance.Downloads
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