De dios a la piedra: una lectura de <i>Espera la piedra</i> de Oscar Del Barco


  • Gabriela Milone Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



sacred, poetry, thing, Nancy, Del barco


What is God is an issue that should be abandoned, claims Nancy, and in its stead it should be asked if there is still a place for the divine. What it should be thought is that rest of perhaps the most flagrant withdrawal of what we call the West: the withdrawal of the divine, which clears divine places of matter, ex-posed and opened to the intimacy of sense, of felling, this is, of touch. It’s about thinking that “absolute exceedance of sense of what, above all, the word ‘sacred’ was nothing more than a designation”. But how doing it? Nancy argues that if we gain access to sense is poetically; and that poetry is “touching the thing of the words”. What remains of that withdrawal and seeks (poetic) access to sense, is the matter where palpitates without beating the heart of things, the stone heart that passively waits to be thought in its ex-position. Thus, espera la piedra of Oscar del Barco, echoes that word which seeks to touch the exceedance of sense in the patient and passive heart of the stone that waits, of the stone that is seen as the naked place where perhaps was something divine.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Milone, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Lic. en Letras Modernas. Profesora Asistente de “Hermenéutica”, Escuela de Letras, FFyH, UNC. Becaria CONICET.


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How to Cite

Milone, G. (2012). De dios a la piedra: una lectura de <i>Espera la piedra</i> de Oscar Del Barco. Recial, 3(3).