ChatGPT and The End of History: A Theoretical Drafting of Its Perils and Promises from the Scope of Philology




ChatGPT, models of artificial l, models of artificial language, philology, digital textualities, machine learning


Artificial language models are already a part of our world. Since the launch of the free-of-payment, public beta version of’s ChatGPT in November 2022 the use of “chatbots” has become a world-widespread phenomenon and has begun to generate new —and evoke some old— reflections on what is the role of machines in some primarily human processes such as reading and writing. The main objective here is to analyse some of the promises and perils of this technology with theoretic and methodological instruments of Philology. In this paper we will address three problems around the use of the chatbot: the lack of traceability and hierarchy of its sources, the risk of total delegation of tasks of reading and writing, and the loss of subjective interaction with the text that this would imply in the processes of reading and writing. The perspectives used in this analysis will come from three different disciplines: education and literacy studies, philosophy, and foremost philology: from the analysis we will be able to show a few desirable changes that could prevent some of these perils.


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Author Biography

Victoria Scotto, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Lic. Prof. Dra. Victoria Scotto (IdIHCS/UNLP-CONICET). Especializada en historia institucional de la filología y la lingüística (Europa s. XIX; Argentina s. XX). Aborda temáticas asociadas a los roles sociales de la filología y la lingüística, estudios de lectura y escritura desde la filología y la glotopolítica, y procesos de institucionalización de la filología y la lingüística y su relación con la política. Actualmente explora las relaciones entre la filología y las nuevas textualidades, los modelos generales de lenguaje y las formas de leer en la era digital. 


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How to Cite

Scotto, V. (2024). ChatGPT and The End of History: A Theoretical Drafting of Its Perils and Promises from the Scope of Philology. Recial, 15(25), 118–146.