Proust y Anti-Proust. Some considerations about the style conceptions of Marcel Proust and Louis-Ferdinand


  • Francisco Salaris Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



style, representation, tradition, technique, vision


It is a commonplace in criticism to refer to the enormous antithesis between two of the greatest French writers of the 20th century: Marcel Proust and Louis-Ferdinand Céline. There are many works that contrast his poetics and that look for correspondences between his works, but this article deals with their conceptions about style, a concept whose legitimacy in the academic sphere is often questioned but which is nevertheless central to the aesthetic theory of both authors. Taking into account some of the theoretical problems around style - its ambiguous position between individual originality and repetition, its relationship with language and writing, its metaphysical implications -, the article proposes a contrast focused on the problems with the mimesis and on the construction of particular literary genealogies, which define not only conceptions about artistic practice but also modes of intervention in literary systems.


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Author Biography

Francisco Salaris, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Doctorando en Letras Modernas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Salaris, F. . (2021). Proust y Anti-Proust. Some considerations about the style conceptions of Marcel Proust and Louis-Ferdinand . Recial, 12(19), 151–170.