Proust and literary geography. From icongraphy to manuscript


  • Mireille Naturel Université Sorbonne Nouvelle



place, geography, Illiers-Combray, map


Though André Ferré is known, with Pierre Clarac, as the editor of the first publication of À la recherche du temps perdu in the «Pléiade collection», he nevertheless was the author of a thesis then of a book about Marcel Proust’s Geography (Le Sagittaire, 1939) too. The editorial revival of a wandering process commented by Roland Barthes - also the topic of a series of a radio programme in 1978 - leading us from Paris to Combray transports us back to proustian mythical places. The latest publication, by Nathalie Mauriac Dyer, of The Seventy-five folios and other manuscripts, extracted from Bernard de Fallois’s archives, confirms Marcel Proust’s «obsessive desire» for a place. But what interest us more here is the emergence of proustian places mythologies for Proust’s first generations of readers. In the paradoxical fascination it engenders between reality and fiction, the place is photographed, drawn, reproduced. Illiers village, that will become Illiers-Combray in 1971 will serve as a reference for us.


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Author Biography

Mireille Naturel, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

Profesora titular de Literatura francesa en la Universidad Sorbonne Nouvelle, París, Francia, Secretaria general de la Sociedad de Amigos de Marcel Proust (Société des Amis de Marcel Proust et des Amis de Combray).


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Ferré, A. (1946). Géographie littéraire. Paris : Éd. du Sagittaire.

Goron, L. (S/A). Le Combray de Marcel Proust et son horizon. Texte accompagné d’un album proustien. Toulouse: Imprimerie Julia.

Naturel, M. (2017). Proust et Les Maîtres sonneurs de George Sand. Bulletin Marcel Proust. 67, 113-121.

Poulet, G. (1982). L’espace proustien. Paris : Gallimard.

Proust, M. (2021). Les Soixante-quinze Feuillets, et autres manuscrits inédits (Édition établie par Nathalie Mauriac Dyer, préface de Jean-Yves Tadié). París: Gallimard.

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Tsumori, K. (2014). Proust et le paysage. Des écrits de jeunesse à la Recherche du temps perdu. Paris : Honoré Champion.

Univers de Proust. (1959). Le Point, Revue artistique et littéraire, LV/LVI.



How to Cite

Naturel, M. . (2021). Proust and literary geography. From icongraphy to manuscript. Recial, 12(19), 15–27.