An affective reading of the critical figure of Caliban in the theater of Marcos Azevedo




Caliban, affect, subjectivation, desire, micropolitics


The figure of Caliban has proven to be a lasting and flexible symbol to the changes in the political reality of Latin America. The objective of this article is to resume the reflection on the critical potential of the conceptual-character in light of Suely Ronik's cartography of desire. For this, we will propose an affective reading of the theatrical monologue by Marcos Azevedo, Caliban (1997). This implies activating thought in its ethical, aesthetic and political function; to re-imagine a world in every gesture, affection and word. It is the encounter with the other that enables an "out-of-subject" experience capable of updating the world.

The treatment that is going to be carried out on the Caliban metaphor does not intend to expand the representative flexibility of the Caliban trope, but rather to redouble its sign intensity, based on the analysis of the three movements of desire (territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization) in order to inhabiting a state (intensity plateau) of permanent decolonization of thought. The critical figure of Caliban implies thinking from the outside, becoming-other, activating another sphere of subjective experience, one that is proper to our condition as living beings.


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How to Cite

An affective reading of the critical figure of Caliban in the theater of Marcos Azevedo. (2023). Recial, 14(24), 139-154.

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