The ear to the poem Listening and affectivity in recent Argentine poetry




contemporary Argentine poetry, affectivity, listening, voice, otherness


 In the current paper, I propose an itinerary based on four scenes in which different relations between listening and affectivity are articulated: hate, love, politics and otherness. Each section focuses on different books of contemporary Argentine poetry of the last decade: Odio a la poesía objetivista, by Francisco Garamona; Vos ahora voz, by Franco Rivero; Sequía and Una bomba nos está matando a todos, by Gabriel Reches; and Martes dedo, by Alfonsina Brión. My objective is to analyze the solidary functioning between listening and affectivity through the formal and compositional effects on the texts. As a hypothesis, I start from the idea that listening marks a form of relationship with the other in the poems. Methodologically, I return to the studies of Florencia Garramuño and Luciana di Leone on poetry and affectivity. In turn, I refer to the theories around listening outlined mainly by Jean-Luc Nancy and Peter Szendy. As a contribution to the specific field of Argentine poetry criticism, although the article proposes an itinerary through specific books, the problem raised could be thought of transversally as a possible line of composition for the poetry of the present.


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Author Biography

  • Matías Moscardi, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina

    Doctor en Letras, investigador asistente de CONICET y profesor adjunto del Taller de oralidad y escritura, Facultad de Humanidades, Departamento de Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.


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How to Cite

The ear to the poem Listening and affectivity in recent Argentine poetry. (2023). Recial, 14(23), 321-347.

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