The critical imagination Ways of doing and intervening in the present




imagination, criticism, materiality, fiction, spaces


This paper analyzes the important place that imagination occupies in the contemporary critical scene. Disputing a specific way of doing and intervening, the imagination proposes in the present scene an interrogation and a way of exploration from the work of fiction in a generalized context of crisis. For this, at first, we establish a theoretical-critical journey through the links that imagination develops with materiality, images, power, invention mainly from the contributions of Soto Calderón (2022). In a second moment, we develop a cartography for three critical moments in which the imagination releases a power capable of challenging certain meanings around the end and exhaustion: trance as a critical instance in Jens Andermann (2018), the virtuality of space in Fermín Rodríguez (2010), the speculative drift and the public imagination in Josefina Ludmer (2020). This tour also illuminates the link between space and imagination in contemporary criticism.


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How to Cite

Neuburger, A. (2023). The critical imagination Ways of doing and intervening in the present. Recial, 14(24), 79–94.

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