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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • All submitted manuscripts must be original, unpublished works and may not be under consideration at another publication (or an explanation must be provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text conforms to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in "Formal shipping conditions" and "Reference system".
  • I have read and accepted the terms expressed in "Copyright Notice".

Author Guidelines

Peer review system

First,  manuscripts will be evaluated according to their adequacy to the formal guidelines specified for each category: Studies and Notes, Pearls / Thought Fragments and Reviews. If inadequacies are detected, they will be sent back to the authors for correction.

The manuscripts that conform to the formal guidelines will be sent to external reviewers. In the case of Studies or Notes, two anonymous reviewers will be called, in the case of Reviews, one. In the case of Pearls / Thought Fragments, the Editorial Committee will evaluate their relevance and,  if  necessary, will eventually require external reviewers.

The reviews will be in charge of academics especially summoned by the editorial committee for each work through the double-blind reference system. In this way, it is intended to maintain the anonymity of both the evaluators and the authors. Therefore, texts should avoid any explicit reference to the author. When citing your own texts, replace your name with the word "author".

The reviews can give the following results:

(a) Publishable without modifications.

(b) Publishable with modifications.

(c) Not publishable.

If two favorable reviews are obtained (a), the text will be published and the author will be informed of the expected date of publication.

If at least one of the peer reviewers considers modifications necessary (b), the work will be sent again to the author for correction or a response. The deadline for this response is 3 weeks from receipt of the reviews.  

A unanimous negative review (c) implies, without appeal, the non-publication of the work.

The Editorial Committee retains the right to summon a new evaluator in case of discrepancies between both reviews.

Before publication, the Editorial Committee or its designees will make formal corrections and adjustments.

In the case of submissions for book reviews, the process follows according to the opinion of the sole evaluator.

Formal shipping conditions

  • Original articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese will be accepted. The works must be sent in .doc or .docx format or compatible through the OJS system. The text sent must not contain any reference that allows to identify the authors of the work. The manuscript must include:
  • Title. Bold, times new roman, 14. In the case of reviews, the complete bibliographic data of the book to be reviewed must be added without bold, according to the following format: Surname, N., Title in italics, translator / editor data /etc. if appropriate. Place, Editorial, year, number of pages.
  • Summary and 4 keywords in original language and in English (in case of being the original language a summary in Spanish or Portuguese must be provided); or in original language and in Spanish (in case of being the original language a summary in Portuguese or English must be included). Times New Roman 12. Single line spacing. Justified. Maximum length of the abstract: 300 words.
  • Text body. Times New Roman 12. Line spacing 1.5, justified, first line indentation 1 cm. Subtitles: bold, 12, Arabic numerals. Subtitles: italics, 12, without numbering. Footnotes: Times New Roman 10, justified. No space between paragraphs. Simple spacing. Do not use bold or underlining in the body of the text. Avoid double space between words and at the end of each paragraph. Foreign language words must be in italics.
  • Quotes and footnotes. All citations must be translated into the language in which the article is presented. If it is considered necessary to also include the original language version of a quote, do so in a footnote. Citations in the body of the text that exceed four lines in length must be inserted in a separate paragraph, with a left and right margin of 1cm, font size 11, centered, without first line indentation, single line spacing, without quotation marks. The numerical index of footnotes must always follow the punctuation mark. Use brackets with three dots [...] to indicate that the quote was shortened. Use common quotes: "...". Within the common quotation marks, use the French quotation marks: "...« ... »..."
  • Bibliography. After the subtitle "Bibliography", at the end of the article, it is requested to consign only the bibliography cited in the body of the text. For more details on the referral system, see below.
  • In the case of reviews, it is requested to include a 300 dpi cover photo / s.
  • Maximum length for Studies: between 5000 and 10000 words.
  • Maximum length for Notes: 5000 words.
  • Contributions length for the Reviews section: between 1,000 and 1,400 words for reviews; between 1,500 and 2,500 words for critical reviews.
  • Maximum length of contributions for the Pearls section: 10,000 words.

Bibliographic references system

The citation system must conform to the APA 7th edition. Below we propose a set of indications taken from the APA quick guide 7th edition (Biblioteca de Educación de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, June 2020), in relation to two elements: 1) bibliographic references at the end of the text; 2) in-text citations. We then add some indications on 3) the citation of documents and specific bibliography related to Hannah Arendt. 

1) Bibliographic references

If more than one work of the same author is mentioned, the name must not be repeated, instead it must be replaced with three dashes (---). 

Book [do not include city]
Herrán Gascón, A., Cortina Selva, M. y González Sánchez, I. (2006). La muerte y su didáctica. Manual para educación infantil, primaria y secundaria. Universitas.

Anthology or compilation
Trillo, J. (Ed.). (2001). El legado pedagógico del siglo XX para la escuela del siglo XXI. Graó.

Articles in printed jounal
Rodríguez, C. (2007). God's eye does not look at signs. Early development and semiotics. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 30(3), 343-374.

Articles in e-published journal
Herbst-Damn, K. L., y Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of
terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24, 225-229.

Newspaper article
Aréchaga, J. (15 de septiembre de 2011). Los españoles y las revistas científicas... ¡Que editen ellos! El País, 20-22.

Sánchez, C. (11 de febrero de 2020). Ejemplos de Referencias Bibliográficas APA. Normas APA (7ma edición).

Book article or chapter
Santiago, M. (2000). Reglas de acentuación. En E. Montolío, C. Figueras, M. Garachana, y M. Santiago (Eds.). Manual práctico de escritura académica (pp. 15-43). Ariel.

Conference paper
Alonso-Vega, J., Álvarez-Iglesias, A., Ávila-Herrero, I., y Froxán-Parga, M. X. (2019, junio 18). Verbal interaction analysis of the intervention to an adult with severe behavioral problems [Presentación de póster]. XVI European Congress of Psychology, Moscú, Rusia.

Doctoral Thesis (printed)
Fernández González, A. (2010). La inteligencia emocional como variable predictora de adaptación psicosocial en estudiantes de la Comunidad de Madrid (Tesis doctoral). Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid.

Doctoral Thesis (e-published)
Barreto, A. G. (2015). Fundarvid: una contextualización de sus neologismos en la lengua de señas colombiana [tesis de maestría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia]. Repositorio Institucional UN. http://bit. ly/2JHcwSV

2) Quotations in the text 

One author: (Trueba, 2018)

Two authors: (León y Montero, 2015)

Three or more authors: (Seco et al., 2020) 

Textual quotation from one page: (Zofio, 2010: 14)

Textual quotation from more than one page:  (Zofio, 2010: 140-141)

Textual quotation without page number: (Zofio, 2010: para. 3)

3) Hannah Arendt’s documents and specific bibliographie

  • Documents of The Hannah Aredt Papers at the Library of Congress

On the body of the text: last name, year y folio number instead of page number. Ex: (Arendt, 1965: 2890). 

In the Bibliography section, the complete reference must be provided. The year corresponds to the date of the writing. If it’s unknown: s/f.  Then the Folder title: type of manuscript and institutional reference and location. Finaly the series to which the document belongs and the reference to the The Hannah Arendt Papers. Ex: 
Arendt, H. (1965). “From Machiavelli to Marx”. Manuscript for the course at Cornell University, EEUU. Serie: Subject File, 1949-1975, n.d. Hannah Arendt Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington DC.
Arendt, H. (1965). “Correspondence: Fuss, Peter, 1964-1975”. Intercambio epistolar. Serie: Correspondence File, 1938-1976, n. d. Hannah Arendt Papers, Manuscript Division, Liberaría del Congreso, EEUU, Washington DC. 

  • Quotations Arendt´s Thought Diary 

In the body of the text, Last Name, Year: page number, notebook number, date and fragment number between brackets. Ex: (Arendt, 2006: 17, I, agosto de 1950, [21]). 

In the Bibliography section the usual information. Ex:
Arendt, H. (2006). Diario filosófico, 1950-1973. (Trad. R. Gabás). Herder. 

  • Quotations from letters :

In the body of the text, Last Name, year: page number, letter number and date. Ex: (Arendt y Jaspers, 1993: 367, carta N° 216, noviembre de 1957). 

In the Bibliography section the usual information. Ex:
Arendt, H. y Jaspers, K. (1993). Briefwechsel 1926-1969. Piper.

Section Policy

Pescadora de Perlas publishes original papers in Spanish, Portuguese and English related to the field of Arendt studies, and the discussions and legacies that her thoughts unlock in the present. Proposed manuscripts must be original, and must not be under review in another academic journal, nor can they be sent to other journals while the evaluation process lasts. After publication, the papers may be reproduced by the authors with indication of the original publication in this journal (see Copyright notice). 

Studies and Notes - Dossier

The Studies are long articles that should not exceed 10000 words and the Notes are short articles of up to 5000 words. Critical contributions to articles already published in the magazine are also of interest.

The papers for the sections of Studies and Notes will be submitted to a double blind reference.

The Journal will publish annually a thematic Dossier. Contributions to it must respect the conditions for Studies and Notes.

Book Reviews

The Magazine seeks to promote the dissemination and critical discussion of the productions related to Hannah Arendt's work on a national and international level. This section receives critical reviews and short book reviews.

Short book reviews are texts about books published in the last two years and will have a length between 1,000 and 1,400 words.

Critical reviews are texts about one or more books published in the last five years and will have a length between 1,500 and 2,500 words.

In both cases, they will be headed by the complete references of the reviewed text and will not have footnotes. The proposal texts for this section will be submitted to a unique instance of blind reference.

Studies and Notes - Non-thematic contributions

Los Estudios son artículos largos que no deben exceder las 10.000 palabras y las Notas son artículos breves de hasta 5.000 palabras. También son de interés las contribuciones críticas a artículos ya publicados en la revista.

Los trabajos propuestos en las secciones de Estudios y Notas serán sometidos a un doble referato ciego.

Los manuscritos propuestos deben ser originales, no deben encontrarse en estado de revisión en otra revista académica, ni pueden ser enviados a otras revistas mientras dure el proceso de evaluación. Después de la publicación, los trabajos podrán ser reproducidos por los/as autores/as con la debida indicación de la publicación original en esta revista. 

Los estudios y notas pueden responder a un Dossier temático, de acuerdo a la convocatoria vigente (consultar plazos), o pueden tener temática libre, aunque pertinente para el enfoque de la revista (envíos de flujo permanente). 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.