Republicanism between freedom and fear: A counterpoint between Hannah Arendt and Judith Nisse Shklar


  • Gabriela Rodríguez Rial


republicanism, fear, freedom, emotions


The following article analyzes the uses of freedom and fear in a selection of texts
written by Hannah Arendt and Judith Shklar. The aim is to question republicanism
on the basis of two passions that equally constitute it: the love of living freely and
the fear of losing this independence to an arbitrary and violent power. From this
approach, the structuring and problematic cores of republicanism are not the
reasons or public virtues but the emotions that legitimize feeling personally and
politically free.
Why establish a counterpoint between Arendt and Shklar? Beyond the biographical
convergences and interpretative divergences in the history of political thought,
Arendt's republicanism unfolds in its complexity from a contrast with Shklar, whose
conceptions of freedom and of political emotions and institutions put a strain on
liberalism, a tradition to which she is often related.
The argument is developed in three moments. The first section analyzes the
positions of Hannah Arendt and Judith Shklar on freedom are compared. The second
focuses on the use that each of these authors makes of fear as a political passion. The
final section addresses the implications of Arendt's and Shklar's reflections on
freedom and fear for the republican tradition and contemporary liberal

Author Biography

  • Gabriela Rodríguez Rial

    Investigadora Asistente del CONICET Argentina con sede en el Instituto Gino Germani de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Dra en Ciencias Sociales y Politóloga UBA. Dra. en Filosofía Universidad de París8.


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Studies and Notes - Dossier

How to Cite

Republicanism between freedom and fear: A counterpoint between Hannah Arendt and Judith Nisse Shklar. (2023). Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 2(2), 87-116.